Have you been led to believe that menstrual pain is normal? It is common, many women suffer with cramps but it’s not normal. Shocking information here – menstruation should not hurt.

When the your womb is not in balance, a whole catalogue of complaints can ensue. Menstrual pain is the first warning sign that your womb is not happy and when ignored problems can quickly escalate to far more serious – and more painful – symptoms.

A tilted womb can lead to congestion of the arterial and venous blood circulation, the lymphatic system, the nervous system and our qi, or energy. This congestion can play havoc not only with our physical well-being but also our emotional well-being.

Depending on the system being affected – and it is often more than one – you may have disruption of the hormonal system, irregular or absent periods, fertility issues, sickness and headaches around menses. As you become peri-menopausal, symptoms can become heightened.

Fertility challeneges, PCOS, endometriosis, fibroids, digestive upsets and low back ache are all signs of a tilted womb.

Mizan Therapy is a deep yet gentle non-invasive treatment that helps the organs of the pelvis back into alignment. Pressure is released and the surrounding fascia, supporting muscles and ligaments are strengthened. When the womb is nicely aligned in the centre of the pelvis, blood, lymph, nerves and qi flow unrestricted, toxins are flushed from the system, hormones are balanced and health and well-being return.